20 Mar COVID-19 – Social Distancing
To all our loyal patients,
In light of the latest directives from the California Department of Public Health to protect the public and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, our office will be practicing social distancing by staggering appointments. Our goal is that no two people will be sitting in the waiting room at the same time. In addition, our staff is dedicated to keeping a very clean environment by wiping down all counters, door handles, etc. in between patients. Be rest assured that we are taking all possible precautions to minimize exposure of COVID-19 to our patients.
If you have an existing healthcare appointment, or think you need to make an appointment, please call first to see if your appointment can be conducted over a smartphone with video capability or any device using video technology, like a tablet or a laptop. For some appointments, a simple check-in over the phone without video capabilities may suffice.
Although this is an uncertain time, we as Americans are a resilient group! I think if we all practice the precautions recommended by the CDC, we will get through this as we find unity in fighting this pandemic together.
Healthy Regards,
Judy L Bourget MD