chloroquine death Tag

  [caption id="attachment_17966" align="alignright" width="300"] Hand holding plastic jar with pills, supplements or painkillers[/caption] Misinformation is the enemy! I mentioned in a previous post that chloroquine intended for aquariums was being sold on eBay for $1,975.00, and it wasn’t intended for oral ingestion.  I did not imagine anyone...

I have received several unflattering comments from my blogs regarding the need to direct medical care based on scientific evidence, not anecdotal stories. Finally, a well done randomized retrospective study, replete with p-values and confidence intervals, is undergoing peer-review for publication. I have repeatedly called out...

A recent FAA directive instructs, "Use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus infection is disqualifying while on the medication and for 48 hours after the last dose before reporting for flight or other safety related duties."  Apparently for the safety of pilots and passengers the...

Many of us in the medical community have questioned why Donald Trump has vigorously promoted the drug chloroquine contrary to the recommendation of leading health experts. This article may shed light to his motives. What this brought to light for me is that most of the ...