COVID-19 Tag

[caption id="attachment_17241" align="alignright" width="300"] 33982521 - human lungs[/caption] Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue causing consolidation of lung tissue and affecting the lung’s ability to exchange air.  This inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or virus, but can also result from chemicals or trauma. Pneumococcal pneumonia...

Long waiting lists and exorbitant pricing have frustrated many who would like to protect themselves when they are out in public. Well, let’s get creative with your personal protective equipment! MASKS: N95 respirators fit tightly and will keep out 95% of bacteria and viruses. This is the...

A plethora of real time data regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is being amassed and disseminated over the internet. With nothing more than a click of a mouse you can assess accurately the rate of death from coronavirus around the world. Currently in the United States...

FIRST LOOK AT THE TREATMENT & POSSIBLE PROPHYLAXIS FOR COVID-19  Despite announcements that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are treatments for coronavirus, we need to take a more somber approach to these claims.  Ebay is now price-gauging the sale the chloroquine used in aquariums. This chloroquine isn’t intended...

To all our loyal patients, In light of the latest directives from the California Department of Public Health to protect the public and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, our office will be practicing social distancing by staggering appointments.  Our goal is that no two...