Social Distancing Tag

Epidemiology 101 This requires an advanced degree in common sense.. When the two urgent care physicians from Bakersfield used smoke and mirrors to egregiously massage their data and mislead the American public regarding social distancing, I knew it was important to share some basic tenets of math...

  COVID-19: Daily new confirmed deaths per million, rolling 7-day average Everyone wants to go to the beach. It appears that social distancing has worked, so let's get back to life! Right?  No, wrong. Fox News touts the ingenious approach to herd immunity that Sweden is attempting, subsequently...

  Most everyone is familiar with Sweden’s liberal approach to the pandemic. The Swedes are aware of social distancing but have minimized restrictions on freedom of movement. Sweden’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell feels that this relaxed approach is the right way. So what are the numbers as...

California-- the land of fruits and nuts. OK, we Californians might be a bunch of nuts but at least we got the social distancing thing right. California took social distancing very serious from the beginning when governor Newsom implemented the “shelter in place”  back in early...

To all our loyal patients, In light of the latest directives from the California Department of Public Health to protect the public and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, our office will be practicing social distancing by staggering appointments.  Our goal is that no two...