Author: Judy Bourget

California-- the land of fruits and nuts. OK, we Californians might be a bunch of nuts but at least we got the social distancing thing right. California took social distancing very serious from the beginning when governor Newsom implemented the “shelter in place”  back in early...

Many of us in the medical community have questioned why Donald Trump has vigorously promoted the drug chloroquine contrary to the recommendation of leading health experts. This article may shed light to his motives. What this brought to light for me is that most of the ...

A plethora of real time data regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is being amassed and disseminated over the internet. With nothing more than a click of a mouse you can assess accurately the rate of death from coronavirus around the world. Currently in the United States...

Long waiting lists and exorbitant pricing have frustrated many who would like to protect themselves when they are out in public. Well, let’s get creative with your personal protective equipment! MASKS: N95 respirators fit tightly and will keep out 95% of bacteria and viruses. This is the...

[caption id="attachment_17241" align="alignright" width="300"] 33982521 - human lungs[/caption] Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue causing consolidation of lung tissue and affecting the lung’s ability to exchange air.  This inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or virus, but can also result from chemicals or trauma. Pneumococcal pneumonia...

  [caption id="attachment_17966" align="alignright" width="300"] Hand holding plastic jar with pills, supplements or painkillers[/caption] Misinformation is the enemy! I mentioned in a previous post that chloroquine intended for aquariums was being sold on eBay for $1,975.00, and it wasn’t intended for oral ingestion.  I did not imagine anyone...

For those who saw Governor Newsom’s speech last night, you know that a shift has been made from broad testing to testing only the most vulnerable. The most vulnerable include: health care workers those hospitalized residents of long-term care facilities with symptoms patients over the age...

FIRST LOOK AT THE TREATMENT & POSSIBLE PROPHYLAXIS FOR COVID-19  Despite announcements that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are treatments for coronavirus, we need to take a more somber approach to these claims.  Ebay is now price-gauging the sale the chloroquine used in aquariums. This chloroquine isn’t intended...