28 Jan Skin Anatomy 101- One Skin Part 4 of 12
The skin is the largest organ of the body and performs multiple functions.
- The skin performs several functions:
- Protection: It forms an anatomical barrier to pathogens.
- Immunity: Langerhans cells create a local immune response, separate from the rest of the body.
- Sensation: Hot, cold, touch and tissue injury is perceived due to specialty cells in the skin.
- Thermoregulation: The ability to control our core temperature is aided by the skin’s ability to dilate/constrict blood vessels and to sweat.
- Evaporation: Control of the sweat glands allows the skin to control the amount of water evaporation from the body.
- Oil production: Helps reduce water loss and inhibits microbial growth.
- Synthesize: provitamin D3 is converted to previtamin D3 in the skin by UV light, then to the active form of vitamin D3. FYI vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin.