UV-A Manicure anyone?- One Skin Part 3 of 12

UV-A Manicure anyone?- One Skin Part 3 of 12

UV-A Manicure anyone?- One Skin Part 3 of 12

One Skin January SpecialUV-A Manicure anyone?

  • Compose 95% of atmospheric UV radiation.
  • Responsible for wrinkles and premature aging.
  • Used in tanning beds
  • Tanning beds are the most common cause of melanoma in teenage girls ages 15-19.
  • Gel manicures: UV light is necessary to polymerize the gel.
  • LED lamps emit more intense UV_A radiation than UV lamps.
  • Cases of nail melanoma have been reported in women receiving regular gel manicures.
  • Gel manicures are the tanning bed for the hand.

January Special

ZO Skin Health Simulator Peel with LED therapy $65 ($200 Value)

One Skin Series Part 2 of 12

Did you know that skin is the largest organ of your body? Considering that you only have ONE SKIN, then you want to make it last. So let’s take a stroll down skin memory lane to see what effects skin health.